1. neighborhood
a section of a town or city
Some of my friends live in my neighborhood.
2. scold
to speak in an angry or critical way
The teacher had to scold the class for not studying.
3. goal
something that you are trying to do or achieve
My goal is to go to a good college.
4. yearly
happening, done, or made once each year
We have a yearly examination in our physical education class.
5. lamb
a young sheep
I was able to pet the lamb at my cousin’s farm.
6. mold
to form or press something into a shape
We had to mold our clay into a piece of fruit in art class.
7. load
something that is lifted and carried
Both of us had to carry the heavy load.
8. annually
happening once a year
We have a dance for the senior students annually at my school.
9. debt
to owe something to someone
I do not like to be in debt to my friends.
10. scroll
a long piece of paper that rolls around one or two rods and that usually has something written or drawn on it
We were able to look at the ancient scroll at the museum.
11. cocoa
a brown powder made from roasted cocoa beans that is used to give a chocolate flavor to foods
I enjoy making chocolate milk with cocoa.
12. bay
a large area of water that is part of an ocean or lake and partly surrounded by land
San Francisco bay is a beautiful place on the ocean.
13. brain
the organ of the body in the head that controls movements, feelings, and thoughts
Sometimes my brain gets tired from all the studying I have to do.
14. loan
to give something to someone for a short time
I will loan you my bicycle until yours is fixed.
15. mall
a large building or group of buildings with stores of many different kinds and sizes
We went to the mall to buy some shoes.
16. payroll
a list of the people who work for a company and the amount of money that the company pays them
I am glad to be on the payroll at my new job.
17. plain
having no pattern or decoration
I like to wear plain shirts instead of bright colored ones.
18. groan
to make a deep sound because of pain or some strong emotion
I could hear my classmate groan when he saw his grade.
19. eyeball
the entire round part of the eye
I scratched my eyeball when dirt got in my eye.
20. delay
to wait until later to do something; to make something happen later
The teacher said she would delay the test until Tuesday.
21. proceed
to continue to do something
Please proceed slowly to the nearest exit.
22. hallway
area in a building used to walk between doors
The hallway in my school is too narrow for all the students.
23. display
to put something where people can see it
We were able to display our art projects at the mall.
24. teasing
to laugh at and criticize someone in a way that is friendly and playful
I was only teasing you when I said you could not play well.
25. volunteer
to offer to do something without being forced to or without getting paid to do
I volunteer helping children read at school.